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Social Ads - Joomla Advertising Reloaded

SocialAds is a full fledged Advertising solution for your Joomla based website. It goes much beyond Social & Offers Contextual targeting, Geo Location targeting as well Demographic targeting with Social networking extensions like JomSocial, EasySocial & Community Builder. 

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How to See the Frontend Demo?

Seeing the Ads

SocialAds supports multiple types of Ads. Media Ads like Images, Gif Animations, Videos, Flash Media , Text Ads, Combinations Ads as well as Affiliate code Ads like Google AdSense . Using our Zone Manager, you can create Ad Zones is as many different dimensions as you wish. We have tried to show most of the types in various zones on this page. 

Ads on your Own Site 

Ads have been published via modules throughout the demo site. On this page, if you are not logged in, you will see typical 'Guest Ads' these Ads either have no targeting or have been targeted using Geolocation targeting or Contextual Targeting. 

To see demographically targeted Ads, login using any of the demo users available with the Quick Login module on the home page. Once logged in , you should start seeing relevant ads based on your demographic data. 

Several additional targeting options are also available via targeting pluginsbut they haven't been setup in the demo as yet. 

Ads In Emails

The Quickest way to see how Ads are delivered via Emails is to use the Contact form to send an email. The to address for the form is addressed to a dummy Address. But you can ask for a copy to be delivered to you. This email is Beautified using our Email Beautifier system & it shows Ads in Emails. Note that Ads in emails can be targeted As well !

Ads on other sites

Using the remote Ads functionality in SocialAds, you can deliver Ads to sites that do not have SocialAds installed as well ! These are called Client sites. We have setup an example of a simple HTML page showing some Ads delivered by SocialAds. You can see the same here

Creating your own Ads

  • To create your own Ad, login to the site & click on 'Create Ads' in the Menu alongside. This will show a wizard to create & target your ad.
  • You can choose your targeted fields & also your mode of payment ( pay per impression or per click ) .
  • You will be shown ad cost which you can pay online ( right now no payment is charged as its a mock gateway) . Once you have paid, Your ad is activated.

Test Payments in Sandbox Mode

So that you can test the Payment as well, we have setup the demo on Sandbox (Test) mode with . Note that the product supports many more gateways !

Use the following card details to checkout. 

  • 11Visa Demo Card Number : 4007000000027
  • 22CVV Number : 111
  • 33Expiry Date : Any future date

Managing your Ads & Ad Analytics

You can see all your Ads through the 'Manage Ads' menu in the User Menu. Here by clicking on the ad that you want to see details of , you will see detailed stats of how your ad is performing. 

Demo the Admin

Via the Admin you can setup SocialAds in any way you choose. We have a host of configuration options which will blow you away ! You can choose to keep the default settings in most cases, but we have the option to tweak things if you want to ! 

Login to the Admin area using the Quick login module for Admins on the home page of this demo. Then go to the SocialAds section under components. 

Payment Modes

Note that on this demo, SocialAds is setup in the Pay per Ad Mode. You can see SocialAds in Ad Wallet mode in our Plain Joomla Demo. 

Done with the Demo? Want to Dig Deeper Still?

Demos work great till an extent. However, the best way to try a product is to actually use it hands on! 

We do not offer free trials of our products, but we do have a 30 Days Money back policy.  So if the product seems like a good fit, go ahead & buy it today ! We are there to help you try it out, support you with any questions you might have ! 

  Get SocialAds now

* starting $89.99

Text Ads Example Zone

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