A Social Network needs people to discover each other & connect to make it a success. People Suggest is an extremely intelligent Networking suggestion tool that uses more than 5 different algorithms to find people that the logged in user might be interested in connecting with. If you have a Social network, you have to get People Suggest.
How to See the demo?
Note that you need to be logged in to see the various features in this demo.
People Suggest has various modes which can use one or more logic algorithms to display suggestions. You can use these modes in many combinations & make any number of copies you wish . For the sake of the demo, we have setup a few of the popular combinations. We suggest you try the admin demo to play around with the configuration & see all the possibilities.
Intelligent Profile based suggestions
Here we suggest friends based on whose profile fields match better. In this mode you can also choose your own suggestion criteria.
Note that the first module is specifically configured to show suggestions in the profile based suggestions mode.
Relationship based suggestions
This mode uses various information we have in the system about people's social relations. This includes data based on mutual friends & relationships between them. The second module copy demonstrates this mode in combination with other modes.
Invitation Data based suggestions
If you are using Invitex, you can use history data of past invitations sent as well as contacts imported in order to suggest friends based on the invitation data. This mode is used in conjunction with the relationship mode. This is not demonstrated in the demo directly due to lack of real import data.
Demo Recommend Friends
To see the manual 'Recommend Friends' in action, go to a Friends profile. You should be able to click a button called 'Recommend Friends' to recommend friends to that person. These will be shown to him in the regular people suggest module along with other suggestions but on a higher priority. We have set this up in the second module on the demo page.
Note that the second module on the page is configured for suggestions based on all combinations shown in a prioritized manner.
NOTE : Admin side demo is not available for this product.
Done with the Demo ? Want to Dig Deeper Still ??
Demos work great till an extent.. However, the best way to try a product is to actually use it hands on !
We do not offer free trials of our products, but we do have a 30 Days Money back policy. So if the product seems like a good fit, go ahead & buy it today! We are there to help you try it out, support you with any questions you might have !
* starting $33.99